About Me

NutriMomma Tina Caliendo
NutriMomma Tina Caliendo
NutriMomma Tina Caliendo

Hi I'm Tina

So here I am. A full-time mommy, health connoisseur, certified nutritional therapist and IIN Health Coach.

A little background- I was born allergic to dairy- of course not to anyone’s knowledge. When I was given formula, I would vomit across the room (think exorcist)! At first, the doctors thought my stomach was closed but after observation they discovered it was dairy. That was just the first of many foods that my body could not tolerate. Eggs, gluten, meat, oils and soy soon were all added to the list. After constantly being sick as a child from eating the multitude of foods that didn’t work for my body – I became an avid ingredient reader and infatuated with nutrition and health.

I went to see many different doctors, specialists, and natural healers. I learned that what I put in my body and how I dealt with stress really mattered. This is where my beliefs of holistic and integrative health and nutrition began.

I started doing all kinds of research on foods, spices, herbs, supplements, and de-stressors, trying to discover what would help or hurt me. It was a lot of trial and error, and it taught me so much about my body. I have become so in tune with myself, and I really listen to how I’m feeling.

My friends and family all began coming to me for nutrition and wellness advice. Some wanted to lose weight- others were having certain health issues. So I answered them and then it turned into me supporting and guiding them toward their goals. I even made daily meals for some of them. And everyone who stayed accountable saw a change for the better!

Now add kids to the mix. I’m a firm believer in starting healthy habits from day one! Children are developing and growing constantly and need the best of nutrients, good food, and mental, emotional support. My first born is an amazing eater and physically active- she realizes that when she eats healthy and is active it makes her mind and body thrive!  I’m not saying she doesn’t love ice cream, but she loves her veggies too. She also understands what is good for her and what is not. She actually has made some of her friends better eaters! Through her health journey, we have learned that she has intolerances that were causing some issues. Now that she has changed her diet, she is feeling her best! My youngest is more of a challenge, but she is always interested in learning about what helps keep her healthy inside and out.

Fast forward to today. I am a true believer that everyone’s journey is unique. There is no one size fits all when it comes to health and wellness. One person’s poison is another’s prize!  I’m always educating myself about health, wellness, and clean eating.

I am here to listen, support, and guide you and your family on your wellness journey so you can live YOUR best life!

Start Living your best life.